- The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes, to blind you from the truth.
- What truth?
- That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison...for your mind....Unfortunately, no one can be...told what the Matrix is...you have to see it for yourself.

The following notions are used here:
Class struggle is a contest between governing classes and the proletariat. Class objective is a motivated purpose of the class.

Each country has its own governing classes and I can’t specify.

The class objective of governing classes is that they try to squeeze as much as possible out of proletariat, and at same time to keep in the saddle. It doesn’t mean that they are bastards. It is a rotten evolutional nature of a human being. Human psychology differs little from that of chimpanzee, which is most close to us from extant species on evolutional tree. Human beings are highly hierarchical creatures, namely they well feel a hierarchy. The hierarchy depends on income level and the circle. You can be an oligarch, but if your income level is less than that of others oligarchs you are unhappy oligarch. That is why if you have a power to ill-treat your workers you will do that. There was a case a couple of years ago when some oligarch didn’t pay out wages to workers for many months. But only when they began to eat potato peelings they organized a demonstration.    

Authorities always do something to keep in the saddle. For example, they can boost the economy and the standard of life, or they can develop the MatrixThe Matrix has only one purpose and that is to make politically passive as much people as possible, to take them off the class struggle.

The Matrix includes the following:
1. Ruining the population by drinking. Many moves and television serials have a hidden advertising and publicity of alcohol. In some countries a beer is not considered by law as an alcoholic beverage. A beer and alcoholic cocktails in variegated cans can be bought by children of any age. Vodka and cigarettes are very cheap.
2. Wrong estimate of the gravity of the crime. Ask any person: “What is the most hideous crime?” You inevitably get an answer: “a murder”. But a murderer has killed only one person, whereas a drug dealer kills thousands. Drugs trafficking are due to corruption. A corruption devastates the economy, allows monopolists to strangle small and medium-sized businesses, deprives people of confidence in the future. In some countries corruption is obligatory for officials and corrupt officials are never imprisoned. At the maximum they can get a conditional sentence, and in a couple of years they return to the public service.
3. Ruining the population by drugs. In some countries penalties for pushing drugs are light. A drug dealer can get a conditional sentence. For example number of drug addicts in Russia got over 7% of population and amounts to 10 millions.
4. Intimidating the population via telecasts and television serials.
5. Throwing dust in peoples' eyes. When an average man is watching on television endless talks of economists about how to build up the economy, but doesn’t see it in reality, the only conclusion he can make is “I can't seem to figure it out, it's so balled up.”
6. Hidden suggestions that all is hopeless; all is under control of the world government; nothing can be changed; a democracy is a tale for fools.
7. Principle “divide and conquer” is very efficient.

Example: In 2000 Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) had canonized (i.e. officially declared to be a saint) the last Russian tsar Nicholas II. Nicholas II wasn’t a pious guy. Evidences: On days of celebration on the occasion of coronation of Nicholas II there was a disaster in the suburbs of Moscow where more than 1000 people were crushed to death. The tsar gave a ball then, and when he was informed he didn’t stop the ball. It shows that he didn’t care about his image. His children had only foreign family tutors who were atheists. With consent of Nicholas II a peaceful demonstration in St. Petersburg was shot and slashed. The great massacre that is called Bloody Sunday had occurred in 1905, in which 200 people were butchered to death and 800 were wounded. He didn’t allow to ROC to elect a patriarch. He permitted religious sects to act freely. At that time ROC disliked him for that and for his relations with Rasputin. In 1999 nobody could imagine that Nicholas II can be canonized. But it happened, and now there is a big picture of Nicholas II with his family in absolutely every orthodox church. Why does ROC leave itself that vulnerable? The point is that Nicholas II was killed by order of Lenin. That is why orthodox believers dislike single in Russia real opposition party that is called Communist Party of Russian Federation. Now orthodox believers are very politically passive, and orthodox media suggest only the following two methods of political struggle: 1. to pray; 2 to send letters to a president. Thus entire section of physically and spiritually robust population was taken off the class struggle.

The revolution of 1917, organized by Lenin, had given the proletariat the opportunity to win in the class struggle in countries that are now called developed. Japan, South Korea and others countries of Asian-Pacific Region developed on the tide of the contest between capitalism and socialism. USA helped them being anxious to stop spreading of the red plague. There is no development without a contest.

- I feel I owe you an apology. We have a rule...we never free a mind once it reaches a certain age. It's dangerous, and the mind has trouble letting go. I've seen it before, and I'm sorry. I did what I did, because...I had to. … Get some rest..you're going to need it.
- For what?
-Your training.

What is Socialism?

James Cannon: “Socialism, in the old days that I can recall, was often called the society of the free and equal, and democracy was defined as the rule of the people. These simple definitions still ring true to me. … We socialists are the most aggressive and consistent advocates of democracy in all fields and that, in fact, we are completely devoted to the idea that socialism cannot be realized otherwise than by democracy.”

I agree, but the terms demand refinement. To be free – not to fear to display political activity; to be equal – to live in a country where average income level of 10% of the most wealthy people doesn’t differ much from the income level of 10% of the most poor (Scandinavian countries Denmark, Finland and Sweden have the best ratio − 3. According to sociological studies, the happiest people live there); the rule of the people is a political activity of the majority of people.

What did Russian warships forget off Syria?

Axiom. Russia doesn’t conduct independent interior or foreign policy, but is a colony of the US.

Since 90's Russia thoroughly performs program of IMF to curb economic development. I can bring a lot of evidences. For example, interest rate of Russian Central Bank is 8.25%. Russia sells all its oil for US dollars not reserving for its own development. Gasoline in Russia costs almost two times more than in USA.

All this tumult on the Middle East as well as the promotion of the myth that Russia is getting up the knees are only to fund the military and the intelligence.

During the last 11 years Russia has written off some developing countries’ debts to the amount of 80 billion US $. For example, in 2005 Russia had written off Syria’s debt to the amount of 10 billion US $ in exchange for the assurance of new orders for arms purchase. But Syria purchases arms from Russia on less than 150 million US $ a year. Count up how long will it take Russia to realize a profit from this bargain? Why Russia does it? In order not to lose markets to others countries, which can be a real competition to USA. Russia sells all for US dollars, so USA loses nothing by it. By the way, Russian army doesn’t have a single new aircraft or anti-aircraft unit.

Two points conspicuous by their absence in the western media coverage:

1. It is the largest demonstration against government chicanery in Russia since the break-up of the USSR, but only because the nearest competitor - the demonstrations against Yeltsin's constitutional violations in 1993 - were broken up by the pro-western regime shooting dead nearly 200 demonstrators (official toll), including young, unarmed women (according to the opposition — 2783. Democratic organization "Memorial" had collected information about 829 killed).
The inscription: "..have killed.."

Shooting of the Parliament

2. The main opposition to Putin and United Russia, and the majority od these demonstrators, are communists. The western media's "liberals" are even more of a despised minority than, say, the Greens or the BNP in the UK.

Richard of Moscow

Do extrasensory individuals exist?

To answer this question I give my translation of fragments of an interview with well known “extrasensory individual” George Gorny, given to Russian journal “Nauka i jizn” (“Science and Life”) 2004 No.3.

To find a needle hidden in a big room without muscular steer of the volunteer you have to learn to find out and analyze others channels of information: pupil’s movements, general dynamics and rhythmics of unconscious bodily movements of the volunteer. To make the reaction more ingenuous, I held an abstractive conversation lulling his vigilance. With time I proceeded to the most difficult thing – to find a recondite object without the bodily contact and being blindfolded. No one there but me could or can do it. Now of all channels of information I have only sounds. Volunteer’s step, audience reaction. Before I am thoroughly blindfolded on the stage I can ask several insignificant questions, which can be helpful. For example: “Do you know where the needle is hidden well enough?” The volunteer can be as silent as the grave. I need audience reaction, not his. Two or three intersecting looks, which I have to catch in the rows, will narrow the search area. But the core information I have to obtain from the volunteer. So it is very important to know, what he (or she) is like as a person, what I can expect from him and in what form. For that I had to spend a lot of time studying thinking styles. At last I begin searching. The volunteer follows me. And now that from all channels of information hearing is only available, my central task is to estimate the resoluteness of his step. Legs can actually prompt no worse than face expression. Resolute step, hesitating. There the volunteer falls behind, then catches up with me. Little by little, I approach the hidden needle, checking on direction by the attendant’s reaction. Sometimes during my performances, resourceful spectators hid a needle in the most unexpected places. On a kolkhoz I had to look for a needle in a huge heap of ears. And when I performed in a penal colony, one convict thrust a needle into a small cucumber, tied it with fishing line to a tooth and swallowed. When I found the needle others convicts said to him: “How can you be a swindler, if you couldn’t hide the needle properly?!” “George Gorny is above my class,” he replied.

A number with demonstration of so-called "skin vision" had permanent success. When being blindfolded and without any contact I identified what an object was shown by spectators, what figures they has chalked up on the blackboard. It is a pity that the act with concurrent execution of six different operations, that I consider an outstanding because I'm the only one in the world who performs it, excites the audience much less. Only scholars are able to appreciate it. I had to make money by impressive and spectacular numbers, such as "skin vision". This number bowled all over: from the man in the street to an academician. I will not reveal a secret of the number. All I can say is that I use perfected through training channels of perceptions which allow me to simulate “skin vision”.

Psychics’ competition

The verification commission included two our eminent scientists: psychology professor V. Lebedev, who was long in charge of psychological preparation of cosmonauts in Zvezdny (Stellar town), and neuropathology professor K. Umansky. There were just two tasks. The first task consisted in the following. Competitioner was given ten similar packets containing different materials − metal plate, plywood, paper, metal plate, heated by one degree Celsius against the ambient, slightly radioactive or magnetized plate, uncharged asbestos, and so forth. Competitioner ought to have read the contents not touching the envelopes. Members of the commission were not informed about the contents as well. Competitioner was supposed to pronounce a packet’s number and estimated content. Members of the commission − to write that down, and then check results. Success was to divine the contents of three packets out of ten. Participants came with papers and diplomas of all kinds of academies of nonnatural sciences, sealed and confirmed that they are distinguished uniques of humanity. Papers are papers, but now the moment of truth has arrived. Testing went day after day but there was null result.

There was one amusing moment yet. Once during testing a regular participant I had a smoke. All of a sudden professor Lebedev ran out and imparted almost with dread: “George! He identifies!” I returned and checked myself. Indeed! He identifies! Not three but four packets out of ten! I must confess I was really confused and puzzled. “What are you, actually?” I asked the competitioner. “I am an operator on TV. I have come here just out of curiosity,” he replied. Then we guessed. The matter was that our packets were made of white paper. For several days of testing dust settled on them, but differently. It was more where a magnet was, and less where there was a dielectric. And this young man, subconsciously, by professional eye of operator, noticed the difference. We changed packets with new, and repeated the test. But the result was
null as expected. This guy laughed and left. But others psychics didn’t give up. “We work not with metals and dielectrics, but with live material. We will show you everything with live patient,” they said.

We intended to give participants a chance to diagnose diseases of patients, whose medical histories are general knowledge for medics. For purity of the
experiment it was necessary to exclude competitioners from using professional medical skills. Skilled doctor is often able to diagnose a disease by appearance of a patient: color of skin or eyes, constitution, breathing rate, bad breath. So it was resolved to make blind experiment. Diagnostician was supposed to diagnose diseases through the screen, to “touch” a patient via biofield, and to tell us his sex and diagnosis. Each diagnostician had three tries with three different patients. We wrote down the data. The result was null. Women were diagnosed prostatitis, men were revealed cervical erosion. But there was a curious case too. One seeker of prize and laurels had come to examination together with his girlfriend. She was not driven away. We had shown weakness and shortly regretted. She had settled in a room so that she could see who exactly was behind the screen. I am experienced performer and well aware how easily the information transfer code can be developed. But we had hidden camera in the room. Our assistant, who was in charge of video surveillance, had seen something fishy, and let us know. By the time competitioner had detected that there is a man behind the screen with an ulcer. I must say that he was right. We had resented the roguery, but remained impassive. We pushed the girl out, and as if nothing were wrong went on with testing. But the dishonesty was liable to a punishment. I brought behind the screen in the capacity of the second patient the same patient who had been examined by the participant. This time he had turned out an apoplectic. The third patient had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Here he loused up so much so that we found it hard to pretend seriousness. As a matter of fact, instead of third patient I put on a chair behind the screen a dummy in general's uniform that I had borrowed from my friends in Water Theater.

Similar tests were carried out twice in USA. Anyone had the opportunity to prove his extrasensory abilities. The first prize was 500 thousand dollars, and during the second attempt it was increased to a million. There was authoritative commission: eminent physiologist Glickman, illusionist Fox, Nobel prize winner Robert Park. There were plenty of those wishing to win the prize - more than 40 000 candidates in psychics. But the prize, as in our case, had remained unclaimed.

What is Classical Music?

Classical music is a drug, harmless to health. Why do the majority of people not take it? If you didn’t learn Japanese, you can’t understand Japanese speech. Because to do that you have to develop the brain area, which is to be responsible for Japanese. The many think that their preferences in music are their own individual choice, that every man to his own taste. It is not quite so. Your preferences in music depend on degree of development of the brain area responsible for understanding of music. Classical music is the most difficult kind of all, which means that it would take some time before you begin to understand it. Start with simple: Vivaldi, Bach, Handel. Listen to the music as background while studying or working. Soon enough you'll understand it, that is, get such a thrill you have never experienced. You are listening to classical music more and more, others kinds of music less and less every year. Eventually you will completely refuse pops, rock, or whatever, as it becomes too tedious to you.

Дорогой товарищ!

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